Do you Really Need an Office?

For some businesses, the COVID-19 pandemic changed things overnight. Employees went home with their laptops and some haven’t returned to the office in over a year. What people thought would be temporary is looking very permanent.

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Customer Service with a Personal Touch

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. You exist to provide them with the products and services that fulfill their needs, and your success depends on how well you identify and meet those needs. But your customers are not a monolith.

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Everything You Need to Know About the Child Tax Credit

Parents and guardians who care for one or more children should know how valuable the child tax credit is. This tax credit is available for qualified filers who have a child under the age of 17. Since it was enacted in 1997 and since then has helped millions of people with the costs of rearing a child. Up to $2,000 is now available per child. The new administration is hoping to expand the child tax credit, on a temporary basis as part of a COVID-19 relief plan. While the measures still need to pass on the Congressional floor, there are some exciting aspects of the proposal that are worth knowing.

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What to Know in 2021 About PPP Loans

Many businesses are still struggling due to the financial restrictions imposed due to COVID-19. The severely reduced income combined with ongoing payroll responsibilities has led to many businesses having to shut down entirely. Those that are left standing are hanging on by a thread. Yet, hope is on the horizon. The “Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act” was recently passed by Congress. This Act reauthorizes the original PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loans that came to an official end in August of 2020. There’s a lot to know in 2021 about PPP loans. Read more