Topics Every Accountant Should Address with Clients

The relationship between accountant and client is a relationship based on open communication and the exchange of relevant ideas, and this serves as the basis for decision making. Without the exchange of ideas between client and accountant there is no value added to the decision making process. Key to the relationship between both client and accountant is what can be viewed as an exchange of “relevant ideas.” For there to be an exchange of relevant ideas both parties need to establish what information the other party would likely need in the near-term and the long-term.

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End of Year Charitable Giving Strategies

With the holidays fast approaching, many people are looking for ways to combine their desire to help the causes they believe in along with their desire to save on taxes. For the charitably inclined, there are strategic ways of giving that can accomplish both goals. The following strategies, as noted by Fidelity, are for your consideration and can help you make the most of your charitable giving this year.

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Client Financial Mistakes

Clients (and accountants) are human whether we like it or not. And as we know, humans make mistakes. Identifying and fixing financial mistakes is a large part of the effort expended by clients and accountants. An analysis of these efforts make up the crux of this article.

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