Money Management Tips For Couples

Having to manage personal finances is one of the stressful realities that makes up a part of normal daily living. As a single person managing his or her finances, he or she doesn’t have to be concerned with coordinating financial management efforts with anyone else. However, if the scenario involves a couple, such as a husband and wife, an entirely new dynamic is introduced. In theory, at least, there should be some sense of coordination between both members of the couple. What affects one member of the couple affects the other member of the couple, right?

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Beware Of Charity Fraud

Before making your next donation to your favorite charity you might want to do some research. Do you really know to whom you’re donating? Do you know the charity’s stated mission? How much of your donation goes toward achieving the charity’s mission? How much of your donation goes toward “overhead” (officer compensation – other than toward the charity’s mission)?

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Is Expanding A Company’s Business Internationally A Good Thing?

Expanding a company’s business (or an aspect of its business) internationally might be a good thing. It all depends on a number of variables that need to be closely examined.

I happen to have some relevant first-hand experience in the area of expanding a company’s infrastructure across international boundaries, which, in a very real sense, is similar to introducing a new business or product line across international boundaries.

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Rent A Home to Live in Or Buy a Home to Live in?

When a real estate investor or consumer puts money in the residence where he or she will live, that investment is often among the most expensive that he or she will make. This article will shed light on some of the more significant considerations that need to be made by the investor or consumer as he or she assesses and answers the ultimate question: should I purchase a home to live in or rent a home to live in?

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